Some work done today is more preparation for the swap. The automatic shifter panel was removed
While inspecting the connection, noticed a cable that run from the shifter to steering column. This is supposed to only allow shifting when the key is turned. Also, key wont be able to be removed without this cable. Will need to figure out how to handle this.
Cable from shifter
Cable end at column
Inserted to a port near the key
Reading a bit more on clutch operation, since mine is EWS 3.3 there won’t be a connection from clutch module to EWS but only to DME. Quoting source (
Transmission Range Selection Input
With the introduction of the SKE type connectors on Transmission Control Modules the
direct input from the Transmission Range Selector Switch is eliminated. The input for range
selection is now received from the AGS Control Module.
On manual transmission vehicles clutch status is input directly into the DME.
The EWS 3.3 connector
Washed the boot and did a mockup
Update after driving back to hometown, the car is torquey but lost top speed. Please see page one for rev difference. Cruise control works fine without programming but depressing the clutch will cause engine to rev till redline, need to cancel cruise with the brake first. This behavior should be fixed after wiring the clutch switch and the car is reporgrammed.
Some work done is wiring the reverse light and covering a hole.
Hole used to channel auto shifter cable to gearbox
JB welded with sumo cap
Reverse (light/function) relay location
After wiring the reverse switch, the reverse light and PDC works. The relay is supposed to be activated by the EGS, in this case, the relay removed and bypassed, EGS output ignored.
Few weeks ago I’ve decided to program the car to manual properly after raya. I’m going to utilize the Autologic machine available at the friendly workshop in Gurney.
First is to wire the clutch switch. which was done on Aug 31st break
diagram from WDS. Input to DME would be pin 23 from connector X60004
the box
Hi aidil my name is naim from klang and im converting my e46 320ci to manual. Yours is the most complete write up for swapping i can find on google. Is there anyway i can contact you to ask questions? Thanks.
How did you bypassed the relay for reverse lights ?
I think you asked because the picture is not visible, I’m fixing the hosting problem